November 18 – 26 is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Across the United States!
Here in Washtenaw County, more than 100 families with children are homeless and waiting for shelter. They live doubled up with other families and sleeping on the floor. Or they live outside, in cars, or in other places not meant for human habitation.
If you see someone you think may be homeless and you want to help, here are things you can do:
1. Call HAWC (734)-961-1999
Tell them to call Housing Access of Washtenaw County at 734-961-1999 or visit their website. All requests for shelter or emergency housing assistance are handled by HAWC.
2. Visit Our Resource Center
We are located 114 North River Street near Depot Town in Ypsilanti. They can use the phone at SOS to call HAWC or other helping resources. SOS also can give them free food and bus tokens to get to shelter.
3. Call United Way 211
From United Way’s 211 phone line, they can learn how to access free food, clothing, mental health care, and other human service needs locally.
5. Warming Shelters
Let them know about daytime warming shelters at the Ypsilanti Freight House and Journey of Faith and Delonis Center in Ann Arbor.
6. Call 911 For Emergencies
If you notice someone you think may be homeless experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.
7. Treat Others With Empathy
Homelessness is dangerous, scary, and extremely isolating. One of the most common things we hear from people struggling with homelessness is that they feel invisible. A simple smile or “good morning” as you pass someone living outside can mean a lot and maybe the most positive interaction that person has all day or night.
Do you want to address the root cause of homelessness? Then support the development of more affordable housing in our community.
Stay informed by following SOS on social media and signing up for our e-newsletter.
Also, visit our wish list to find out what items we need most.
You can make a donation to end hunger and homelessness.