Our Work Moves Families from Surviving to Thriving

SOS Community Services provides resources for families. We offer emergency housing, our Resource Center, programs for children and parents, and services to prevent eviction.

Our Work Moves Families from Surviving to Thriving

SOS Community Services provides resources for families through four fundamental ways. Our work includes providing housing, the SOS Resource Center, programs for children & parents, and support for families in public housing.


SOS provides temporary shelter for larger families up to three months, with caring, intensive supportive services to help them become stable and find permanent, long-term housing. SOS also offers Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)—a new, nationally recognized model—in which homeless families are moved quickly into permanent affordable housing and receive rental assistance for up to 12 months.

Our housing services are for families with children. For example: a grandparent caring for a grandchild; a single mother or a single father with kids; or two parents with children.

Find help with housing here.

“The food pantry at SOS has helped my family. The food I get carries us through until I have more money to buy food. I appreciate this program.” – “Jody”, Food Pantry Client

Family Resource Center

Through the Family Resource Center, we help stretch tight budgets so community members can stay housed by offering a choice food pantry and walk-in services. Families can get assistance with utilities, transportation, personal care items, and housing resources. The SOS Resource Center also is a MiBridges Navigation site so people can get connected to the benefits offered by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Find help at the SOS Resource Center here.

Programs for Children & Parents

Every child deserves the opportunity to grow and develop in a healthy way. Poverty and homelessness put a child’s development, health, and learning at risk. SOS Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program provides home visitations for families who have children age 5 or younger. Parents learn how to foster healthy growth and development for their children. PAT—a nationally recognized, research-based model program—includes parent-child play groups, individual in-home meetings with parents, developmental screenings for children, connections with community resources, and evaluations.

Find support for children and parents here.

“SOS gave my family a place to stay and helped us get back on our feet. Really, it was the lowest point in my life. I was divorcing – leaving an abusive husband. I had children and I was homeless. I’m so thankful for SOS and the services they provide to families.”
– “Jennifer”, Former Client

Eviction Prevention

SOS prevents eviction and the threat of homelessness for people with Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. These permanent housing vouchers make rental units affordable for people with very low income but tenants still must pay 30% of their income toward rent. If a tenant gets behind on rent due to missed work or another personal crisis, they could face eviction and lose their voucher forever. SOS helps prevent evictions for these residents by helping them lease up with a landlord who will accept the voucher, find resources to pay overdue rent and utilities, and assist with grievance procedures.

Entry into these programs is based on referrals from the local public housing commissions.

Now that I am in the programs at SOS, I am able to catch up on past bills, finish my college degree, and help my children with their homework. SOS is not just about housing. It is about taking your life back. It is about establishing a stable foundation for your family.”

~ “Kim”, SOS Housing Program Client