Rent keeps going up. Winter temperatures are coming. But there's hope!
According to the Washtenaw Housing Alliance, 8 to 10 families with children become homeless in our county every week but we’re changing that! You and other people who care can keep families safe, secure, and in homes of their own.

With help from people like you, SOS Community Services can:
- Provide groceries to 300 households each week to make sure families have enough to eat.
- Provide housing and shelter to 45 families a month so they can put homelessness behind them for good.
- Help 24 families each month get their utilities turned back on so they can stay warm this winter.

Meet our neighbor Jill, (clients name is changed to protect her confidentiality),
A single mother of three living in Washtenaw county. Jill’s middle child was born with a heart condition that requires a lot of medical care, including major surgery.
Jill has to spend so much time taking her daughter to specialized medical care – she can’t keep a regular job. So she’s always financially on the edge.
Insert Image that represents Jill Recently, things went from bad to worse for Jill and her kids when they were left homeless due to health violations in their apartment that the landlord failed to address.
Jill got in contact with an SOS Caseworker who helped her get back on her feet, leading her to resources that helped her and her children move into a home, pay for utilities, and not have to worry about how they’ll be able to stay here. Jill remembered how hard it was to look for a home in Michigan while temporarily in another state where her daughter underwent surgery.
Still, Jill says, “SOS made a difference because it allowed me and my children to finally have a home after being homeless and to take stress off of me that I would have light and water in my home for me and my children.”

Jill and her family are now thriving, but our phones are ringing off the hooks...
Calls are coming from frightened, upset neighbors like Jill,
“We’ve been evicted! My kids and I have nowhere to go!”
“I’ve run out of food, and I don’t get paid for another two weeks!”
“My kids are sick, and we are about to lose our apartment!”
Support from people like you is what makes the difference for people like Jill and the many others who call us every day. Your support will not only help neighbors meet basic needs. You will also help them avoid future crises and begin to thrive.

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